Log Off

You can log off. It really is okay!

Timelines are flooded on social media this time of year. So many celebrations of milestones reached in the lives of families and friends. Don’t allow yourself to become weary in this season. If necessary, push back, limit, even take a complete break from social media and simply LOG OFF. The pics, posts, chronicled accomplishments of the sons and daughters of others can sometimes cause you to go to a place that you do not want to go. It can become an overload to your brain and to your emotions as you attempt to process everything while you praise God in spite of the choices that your child has made or the hand that your son or daughter has been dealt in life.

If you can, on purpose, intentionally, and passionately sow seeds of encouragement and congratulations into the lives of those parents and those children who are being highlighted. Slap the devil by doing the opposite of what he would like to orchestrate as a “woe is me” scenario in your life. Praise God for the accomplisments and achievements of those children as if they were your very own. Praise your way through what could be a dark time and cause the light of the goodness, grace, and mercy of God to shine forth lighting your way and lifting the burden that is trying to weigh you down and entrap you. God’s got you and He knows exactly where you are.

At the same time, be honest. Use wisdom. Do what you need to do in order to navigate through this season with joy while shouting the victory. Acknowledge where you are and what’s going on with you emotionally. Whether it’s related to a child who made wrong choices and is struggling or perhaps even the grief associated with a child whom you have lost… whatever it is, be real. Get real. Be honest. Be proactive. Do what works for you. And please understand that sometimes you have to simply “log off” in order to override the conflicting emotions that accompany the reality of your situation. You’ll get stronger as you go. Just do what you need to do and keep it moving forward! And remember, no apologies are necessary! 😉

~ Dr. A

#Ps139WomanPrayerForce #CoveringSonsAndDaughters #LogOff

Psalm 139 Woman – God’s Prayer Force – Covering Sons and Daughters
Visit us at: https://www.facebook.com/Ps139WomanPrayerForce/

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